Wednesday, December 3, 2014

10 things

10 [Random] Things About Me:
  1. I have FOMOK - fear of missing out on ketchup. I may or may not keep emergency bottles of ketchup in my apartment and office. 
  2. Black and leopard print are my favorite colors.
  3. If I was stranded on a deserted island and I could only bring one piece of makeup with me, it would be black eyeliner. I'd also try and sneak in some chapstick.. and a cell phone to make my way home.
  4. As a freshman in college, I spent one glorious semester as a marching mellophone member in the University of Florida's Pride of the Sunshine Band. Be jealous.
  5. I have to chew gum when I'm running or at the gym. I think it's a mental thing, it makes me feel less parched. Or at least distracts me from my thought that I'm going to pass out from the work out.
  6. I get the words 'invisible' and 'invicible' mixed up... and Matt always laughs at me.
  7. I absolutely love my job as a clinical pharmacist in Ambulatory Care. Thankful for the tough road leading me here, but am glad to be where I am now and caring for such awesome patients and working with such amazing people.
  8. I can recite every word from any of the three Austin Powers movies.
  9. I'm not a sappy person, but I can't help crying every time I watch the Sex and the City finale episodes. 
  10. I get to marry the love of my life in 5 months and I couldn't be more excited! Fun fact, the above photo was taken just minutes before Matt proposed ;)

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